Teaching Assistantships

Advanced undergraduate majors who demonstrate a serious commitment to their academic work, potential leadership abilities, and are actively engaged with the department have the opportunity to serve as teaching assistants. An undergraduate teaching assistantship program has been used for several years in the architectural studies program. In Approaches to the Built Environment, several students are appointed each semester, and they are responsible for developing a small, low-stakes assignment, and mentoring students through the extensive collaborative projects. These students are also given the opportunity to give one formal presentation of their own work (research, study abroad, or internship activity). In the Architectural Studies Seminar and Architecture and Computer Application courses, undergraduate TAs are used in the classroom to provide additional technical guidance and conduct weekly office hours where students can receive technical assistance on upcoming projects. The department is currently working to establish a TA program for the HAA major, implementing this position in Foundations in Art History in the fall of 2011.  To encourage teaching assistantship opportunities for our majors, the department implemented a new course in the spring of 2011, HAA 1904: Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship, which enables students to earn academic credit for this work.   

Students interested in pursuing these opportunties should consult the HAA 1904: Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship contract and meet with the director of undergraduate advising, Gretchen Bender, to discuss potential options.  Students wishing to secure academic credit for a TA position enroll in HAA 1904 for 1, 2, or 3 credits.  HAA 1904 is conducted under the S/N grade option.

Architectural Studies Majors who wish to apply for these positions should note that applications are usually due in the middle of the spring semester for teaching assistantships for the upcoming academic year.